A blocky survival game.


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  • in reply to: Drawers deleteting stuff #1216
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    I did note that item frames were also failing to generate straight away when i started  using chests  instead of draws so  it may be down to lag –

    in reply to: Drawers deleteting stuff #1211
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    It’s not server side related as it happens offline too-  might be something to do with breaking draws or the control to reposition them –  this was happening before the most recent update too –

    in reply to: Lightning Destroyed My House #1169
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    Those yellow sea hares were the culprits  The Igors on guard failed to do their duty and only attack if i lead them into battle – No achievement awards for fire fighting either ?? – that was why i was  negligent and did not put them out -therefore i should be charged 5 gold by the local fire brigade for letting my house catch fire   – no water arrows planned ??

    in reply to: Content DB and additional mods #1168
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    exploration, crafting, and fun-  already trumped the clones on those points –  more focused on RLcraft type of an adventure  scenario with more landmarks to explore sounds spot on to me

    The  limitations of servers and devices is a bind when playing offline single player-  so best keeping the base solid and  streamlined while creating  custom additional packs- where people can pick and choose more tech or wildlife to beef up the main game to create more depth and longevity for single player – make it easy for players to pick up and play rather than the mare of finding compatible when you are newbie

    A single player  example-  world gen was producing some absolute quality diverse terrain -now its stuck on tundra or snow –  I am sure this does not reflect the startup on the server game – at the moment it’s a barren world with hardly any life- pretty harsh for a first time player

    – loving the diversity of the mese mobs but they are not frequently spawning enough so  I have added animal world awesome monsters and forgotten monsters to generate more topside-  i see plans to add goblins and the Dwarfs- not DF carvens without them- but what are you thoughts on animalworld as it brings the world to life

    – you mentioned gadgets – is it possible to add a universal automated spawner where a player can pick and choose which additional mobs to spawn  – These 100 days hardcore challenges are growing in popularity – I think there is  potential to create the hardest sandbox survival challenge of all time using mesecraft as the base –


    in reply to: Lightning Destroyed My House #1164
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    Are you sure it was not a wee beastie that slunk in and set it alight when you were out of town  – with the settings cranked up for brutal test  i had 4 wee mese beasties  setting light to my village -A  rare spawn i suspect .

    in reply to: Geocashing in Mesecraft server #1 #1161
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    Hell0 there – I dont play on the server only single player offline but its a nice original  feature i would like to see added- an in game camera kit would be also a great feature -this too could be also utilized for challenges as in passive hunting -kind  like pokemon go – also a prominent  on screen  camera icon will likely result in more screen shots to help promote mesecraft

    in reply to: Guns in video-games and MeseCraft #1158
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    Never bothered with guns before in MTG  – but I must say the rifle is very good at dealing with wasps when gardening – it would be great if you could introduce a rabid flock of hardcore sheep that if shot at will attack the player instead of passively scattering like all the rest –

    in reply to: Professor Mese’s Brutal Test – Single Player #1156
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    Unable to sign up –  had a heads up via  Reddit –  I was just testing what Mesecraft was capable of generating without lag and  it was impressive  – never ran that many mobs before and kept them all up and running  without lagging out    – I will namedrop where i can to get the word out –

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