A blocky survival game.


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  • in reply to: Game Crashes When I Try to Sleep #5042
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    The log looks like 5.9.0 from the path, but could you verify which version you’re running?

    Someone already reported this as an issue for Minetest 5.10 with bed physics. There is a pending patch for it.

    in reply to: Game Crashes When I Try to Sleep #5041
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    Are you on MeseCraft 5.10 ?

    in reply to: Travel report #5037
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    Sorry that was me. I drank too much last night! Way to share my diary on the MeseNet! Wow, Thanks alot… not!

    in reply to: A Guide to Minerals, Alloys, Rocks, and Crystals. #4786
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    Yes, it’s in a “TOME OF PORTALS” book or something like that 🙂

    Welcome, btw. Thanks for the bug reports for the site. Glad you made it!

    in reply to: Hunger thoughts #3992
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    I agree that this can be improved. I’m just not familiar with the mechanisms. I didn’t know that 3d_armor reacted to those calls. I didn’t even know how those calls worked. I think we should pass the reason and correct this.

    Also, I think a stomach growling sound effect would be perfect for an in-game contextual message to notify a player about this. If we want to consider that some people are deaf, perhaps a console message or hud icon (playereffects api) would be helpful too.

    If you have any suggestions, they’re welcome!

    in reply to: Broken Loot Chests #3983
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    Thank you! I’ll review asap

    in reply to: Guide to magic #3982
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    Correct! Thank you @keihdra!  Also, one of the first suggestions from Google when you type in MeseCraft is “MeseCraft guides” so there is definitely interest in such things. The community forums are the first search result for that search too, which is great for now! 🙂

    in reply to: Early game suggestions #3981
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    gd2shoe, you sound like you know a lot beekeeping or are well-read.


    So we make the honey extractor run on MeseCons and fix the issues you’ve laid out where it uses frames.  Then use a low-tech method that is maybe slower or yields less or involves more manual labor to operate.

    I’m OK with candles burning out, but they should also offer something more unique than torches if they are to be included. I haven’t figured this one out.

    I think your suggestions for the other bee related items are great. Bees definitely need more work and can be expanded upon. Just make sure the additions have uses or perhaps we can add that later or leave them as crafting materials for other things. I hope that helps answer some of your questions?

    in reply to: Blueberries and Blueberries #3980
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    You’re right and it should be fixed. I think over time, we just move them into farming instead of default and start depending on default less since it’s really not being actively developed or enhanced. Minetest game only gets maintenance updates and feature enhancements, which is fine, but over time, I think i’d be easier to maintain our own farming or crops mods. The berries should have different uses or purposes if they’re to be included. No point in making redudant things that are only different in name or appearance. They should function uniquely or serve a unique purpose. E.g. colors for different dyes as an example or effects from different types of berries.

    in reply to: Developer Stuff? #3979
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    Thank you for the response a5810. 🙂  Great response before I could handle it and I’m really grateful we’re all able to help each other here.

    , I hope you can make contributions when you are comfortable doing so. Sounds like you read up pretty well on things and I appreciate more development minded people taking a look under the hood too.

    >I can’t find where to go to get information about the project.  Is there a forum, or a part of this forum that would be appropriate?  Where do the devs hang out?

    This is the place to go for information. Otherwise, the Minetest discord is great for Minetest related questions if you can avoid the drama that pops up sometimes there. They’re very helpful there too. We’re all a team trying to accomplish similar goals. You could also check up on the Github page because contributers have discussions there a bit too. You are very welcome to post here.

    >I know that there are no published milestones at present, and that it’s something that will eventually be done.  I encourage the notion.  It would help.

    Yep, I know I need to create milestones and goals if I’m going to direct help in the direction that it is most needed. I’m the one in the position to best do this since I have the most creative control and time invested in this so far. But I am also very busy with other responsibilities in life currently and am trying my best to contribute and maintain things with MeseCraft. Thank you for your suggestion, you’re correct.

    > I’m very curious about the criteria for inclusion in the game.  There are some very popular mods that are conspicuous by their absence, and I doubt it’s a coincidence.  When do mods get included, and when are they excluded?

    I don’t want to just do what is popular. I received some upset player feedback when I removed Technic, but it changed the game too much in an obtuse way and I felt it was too tech focused. That is an example of a line of thinking of why it is excluded. I try to vet mods and new developments and understand what effects they will have on the game before adding things. Basically, Mesecraft aims to be highly accessible to new players but also have some depth and good mechanics that enhance gameplay and make the game more interesting. That is kind of a vague explanation. You’re free to make suggestions or do forks and PR’s.

    > Which mods are considered “core”, and which are nice to have — but may be cut or replaced in the future?  Which mods are scheduled to be forked, and which are considered downstream?

    A bit hard for me to track all this, but I tend to do updates to mods and check for updates periodically and manually pull and merge and make adjustments to update modules.

    > Is there anywhere that documents the desired power curve (or difficultly curve) for MeseCraft at different points in the user experience?

    There isn’t but I tend to take player feedback seriously and use that as a guide. I think games that are easy to learn but difficult to master are the best.

    > But wonder why the admin didn’t put the code in his own git or svn server.

    I really don’t know how, and the free git hosting is very helpful. I’m not sure what you mean about how the mods could be run in minetest? You can always include additional mods through contentDB or by putting them in the mods/ folder manually.

    > And lest I forget — Thank you for all the hard work so far!

    Thank you so much. I really do appreciate feedback and it helps morale a lot 🙂

    Welcome to MeseCraft!

    in reply to: Giant deserts #3978
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    It’s also the most fun part. I’m sure some people wash out and don’t come back sadly but a lot get through the beginning and start running out of challenges and the game gets stale, which is a challenge ewe need to address as a project and come up with some ideas.

    Spawns are pretty random in terms of which biome you’ll get. I prefer apple biomes myself. I think I balanced alot of the mob spawns around the apple and some other forest biomes. So they might be more common in some, but I tried to add mobs to all biomes and unique to their environments. In the future, I’d really like to add more unique biomes and villages, societies, and people to the game.

    Also, I try to account for people who play MeseCraft in singleplayer mode too. It’s not just multiplayer, but multiplayer is the primary focus usually. However, everything *should* work fine in SP. 🙂

    in reply to: What is this status bar? #3977
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    Keihdra is correct. It’s the magic bar. I’ve been thinking of changing magic/mana over to traces of mese that is absorbed into the blood stream of some creatures, thus amplifying energy and ability to use “magical” advanced mese technology.

    in reply to: How to increase Mob spawns #3529
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    You’d need to edit the mob definitions in the mobs_creatures folder and read up on the mobs_redo api.txt. People have been requesting an increase of mobs and that will get implemented in the future.

    in reply to: Early game suggestions #3445
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    A good answer to your question about ores and tool strengths here: https://www.mesecraft.com/forums/topic/a-guide-to-minerals-alloys-rocks-and-crystals/ by @kiopythelma

    in reply to: Early game suggestions #3441
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    That’s a helpful response from @keihdra. Steel is a great early game toolset until you can get to Mese,Diamond, or even Mithril. Tools need some more work to stand out from each other. I need to figure something out with lighting that works well. People tend to make MeseLamps and chop them up with the table saw to get more out of them. Pumpkins is kind of a player discovered workaround for now, it seems to work well if you can get a farm for them going. It’s a bit silly and really funny.

    , I really appreciate the feedback and the positive feedback is inspiring and motivating for me. Thank you. I’ve been getting a bit more time to work on MeseCraft lately, and I’ve been starting to make progress with it again. Help is always welcome too, I think I need to layout some areas that need work though because not everyone knows where to help out.

    In game documentation is a thing that people bring up a lot. It needs to be added, but since there is a lot changing in the game right now it’s hard to prioritize it because a lot of it will change. I’ll get to that somehow. I was thinking books or maybe in game tips or a manual could be helpful.


    If you get the time, please try to leave feedback for MeseCraft on the Minetest ContentDB as it helps the game grow in popularity too. Welcome to the MeseCraft community. I’m happy you joined us! 🙂

    in reply to: A humble plea #3406
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    in game guides are welcome. it’d probably be best to have a welcome formspec or a welcome guide that spawns on new players and then work on some of these guides. in game books would probably work fine as long as people can read.

    in reply to: A humble plea #3405
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    Yes, guns has come up several times. I guess we just need to make a receipe for it involving ingots, basic_materials, and more. I’ve been holding off because it’s a big change to the meta of the combat in the game, but it’s OK. also, i’d like to reskin some of the guns. it just hasnt been a big priority.

    I have just really been short on manpower, had a new member of the family join us recently and they’re a lot of work, but super cute 🙂 I try to get work done here when I can and will get opportunities soon, but in the meantime help is needed. I wasn’t aware of the terracotta issue.

    welcome to mesecraft.com @dogman

    in reply to: Protected beds #3210
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    So maybe a toggle to a public bed would be a way

    in reply to: Mystery shadow #3099
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    I could regenerate the area to fix it, but it would destroy your build.

    in reply to: Protected beds #3031
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    Actually, I think it’s a bit more likely its something on this page? https://github.com/MeseCraft/MeseCraft/blob/unstable/mods/mesecraft_beds/functions.lua

    As the other one just runs on destruction of the bed.

    in reply to: Protected beds #3028
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    It sets the variable reverse to   TRUE

    then does a check if the variable is true and if it is, it sets it to reverse and removes the spawn point being set on the bed?

    , did you make this code? maybe if @andyiii is free he can help too. Otherwise, I will dig into it more when I have availability. Thank you for reporting it @keihdra and for the help/context about the bug, @kiopythelma

    in reply to: Griefers and Fly Hacking #1690
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    I havent been able to catch him/her online yet. I’ll look into it. The last straw for me was the chat spamming vulgarities.

    in reply to: In-Game, and Out of Game Documentation #1556
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    I found this snippet in the FAQ on the GNU website


    If some network client software is released under AGPLv3, does it have to be able to provide source to the servers it interacts with? (#AGPLv3ServerAsUser)
    AGPLv3 requires a program to offer source code to “all users interacting with it remotely through a computer network.” It doesn’t matter if you call the program a “client” or a “server,” the question you need to ask is whether or not there is a reasonable expectation that a person will be interacting with the program remotely over a network.

    For software that runs a proxy server licensed under the AGPL, how can I provide an offer of source to users interacting with that code? (#AGPLProxy)
    For software on a proxy server, you can provide an offer of source through a normal method of delivering messages to users of that kind of proxy. For example, a Web proxy could use a landing page. When users initially start using the proxy, you can direct them to a page with the offer of source along with any other information you choose to provide.

    The AGPL says you must make the offer to “all users.” If you know that a certain user has already been shown the offer, for the current version of the software, you don’t have to repeat it to that user again.

    in reply to: In-Game, and Out of Game Documentation #1553
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    Hi @exevirus,

    First off, thanks for the words of encouragement about the game. It took some time and learning to get it to this point and I started off from scratch from MTG. I appreciate that you can also see the importance and vision of a high-quality MT game that meets the demands of players.

    Commercializing the game is fine with me. Engaging in commerce with MeseCraft is something I’m interested in as well, as I think the funds can help growth for both MeseCraft and MTG and that would be great for everyone. What you are considering sounds interesting to me, and a challenging project. But sounds like it could be a good kit to get people involved and engaged. I’d like to learn more about that.

    I’ve listened to all your produced podcasts before and really enjoyed getting to hear voices in the MT community. I hope you keep it up. I understand you’re recently a Dad, as am I, and I think it takes a high degree of dedication to stay engaged in a project like this while also having the responsibilities of parenting and other demands from daily life. I’ve also played Little Lady with a friend and we both really enjoyed it. I haven’t tried Labyrinth yet. MisterE has been a very friendly person to work with on projects and I’ve enjoyed working with him as well.

    There are plans to implement better documentation, however, I just have a manpower shortage lately to accomplish this and it’s not the highest priority for me right now. With the game currently in an alpha state, I don’t think it makes sense to focus on the documentation part right now, as there will be many changes to come and the documentation would be quickly outdated. Instead, players have been helping each other in game and coming to the forums for questions and support which has been helping. However, due to lack of tutorials or information at start, I’m sure there is some % of players that bounce from confusion, so having some basic documentation would probably be a good idea.

    As for the license, I picked AGPL because there is nothing preventing someone from hosting the server, making changes and adding proprietary features to the game and hosting it as a service. Technically, they are not distributing the software when operating SaaS, so can choose not to share changes to the code while hosting their own version of the game. I choose AGPL because accounts for SaaS in FOSS and figured it would better encourage distribution of modified version of the game hosted on servers, which is one of the ways the game is intended to be played. This was also intended to stop servers adding changes to extort players for privs, items, other perks in the future, which was a big problem Mojang ran into with it’s hosting community, ultimately this is one of the things that led notch to leave MC too. I’m not sure if that is 100% accurate, but that was my understanding and reasoning for picking AGPL. I guess a lot of open source software is used, changed, and then not shared when it is involved in SaaS, which is why the license was created. To stop SaaS taking advantage of FOSS. I figured a URL to the source would be considered adequate but reading through it again and what you are saying, I’m now not sure that is the case.

    I’d be down to chat more about this or get in contact to discuss MeseCraft, Minetest, etc etc or just shoot the chit sometime.

    in reply to: The Depths of the Earth #1467
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    What about silver? It should be spawning in too.

    in reply to: The Depths of the Earth #1463
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    Mitherel should be spawning, but something might have broke. Maybe that is what that ore message is about on startup. It didn’t specify which ore is not defined.

    in reply to: Vending machines #1462
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    I think the seller has to set the vending machine to be active too.

    in reply to: Server Crashing every time I join #1442
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    New fix is live. Go test it out 🙂

    in reply to: Server Crashing every time I join #1441
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    Hi all,

    I’m going to update to a patch from dfcaverns/subterrane that fixes this. You can read more about it here:
    It was fixed 22 days ago when someone else reported the bug. I meant to merge it in the next stable update, but didn’t get around to it quickly. Since it is causing bugs now, I want to rush it in ASAP. I’m merging the fix into MeseCraft right now. It should be live soon.

    in reply to: Guide to Mesecraft- How to play #1430
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    Also, thanks for the feedback on the guide. I think some sort of guide players spawned with on their first spawn might help or an NPC.

    in reply to: Guide to Mesecraft- How to play #1429
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    No unfortunately we haven’t had any YouTube coverage yet. Hopefully it’s just a matter of time.

    Lore is something that is kind of being discussed here. We’ve been working it out. I wanted a NPC dialogue system and a lorebooks/audiolog type of way to help add story and narrative. It will be part of the game sometime. I’ve just been short on manpower lately because I have a lot going on in my life at the present time. I still try to interact and contribute when I’m available.

    in reply to: Meseboxes #1399
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    We talked about it but it really needs to be considered. I’m not familiar with them. I’ll have to check it out on contentDB.

    in reply to: Server griefing #1397
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    Sorry you are having issues with him. Just make sure that you ignore him. I’m not going to ban him unless he is doing something illegal or bad. Crashing the server could be a good excuse to ban someone, but in this case, I’m more interested in fixing the bugs. Don’t get offended things he says, that is why he says those things. I don’t like banning people unless it’s really really necessary. Unfortunately, stealing and griefing are parts of the game, we just need to balance things a bit more. What do you think? If it becomes a big problem, I’ll step in.

    in reply to: Market bug #1396
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    Fixed this for now, with a temp patch disabling item icons.

    in reply to: Market bug #1395
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    Odie found this happening before. Last time it was related to a decimal number of items somewhere. I’ll take a look.

    in reply to: Difficulty of Mesecraft #1358
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    Just my 2 cents, it would be nice to consider excellent builds maybe as schematics into the game that can spawn like villages with features or special things in them. There is a schematics editor mod that I wanted to try out. Maybe it would help include more places into the game.  I agree with Kiopy7 that we shouldn’t but experienced and talented builders on a pedestal, but it would be nice to have awards or honors or just a showcase for some of the places people have built.

    in reply to: New to Mesecraft #1347
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    It can slow down a bit sometimes. The busiest times of year for the game are probably Winter break and Summer. I’ve been really busy lately with my personal life and will resume updates within a couple weeks. Been focused on the lore, space, art style, and bugfixes.

    in reply to: Ore Cluster Error After Loading World #1284
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    Hi, I suspect it’s something with the planet_moon or planet_mars mod. I havent resolved this yet. You’re not the first to report it to me, but thanks for the reminder.

    Welcome to MeseCraft, Your post was approved and future posts won’t be held for moderation!

    in reply to: Irregular server performance #1282
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    OK. I’ll try to fix it when I can. I’ve been very busy lately and am dealing with a lot. Still getting some changes done in the unstable branch but its not pushed yet. Hang in there. Keep the reports coming.

    in reply to: Irregular server performance #1256
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    @carzomg Do you have shadows enabled in Minetest?

    in reply to: found not, empty… null chests? #1235
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    Thanks. You’re right. It’s the lootchests too. I just confirmed on the stable server. They’re not spawning right anymore.

    in reply to: Drawers deleteting stuff #1223
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    Giorge reported this bug to me yesterday. I’ll try to look into is ASAP.

    in reply to: add mod techage and QOL improvements to carts #1222
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    I haven’t played the techage mod yet, but the gravel sift I’m pretty sure is from it, I’d be willing to check it out more and maybe use some parts of it if it works. I don’t like adding too much automation into the game because it becomes a different game when there is a lotof that stuff init, like a game about automation and tech instead of discovery and mining.  I’ve bookmarked techage and will check it out more. Thanks.

    I’ve been really disappointed with MTG rails and carts. they dont really work as well as they should. They’re a bit boring. All the cart ideas you shared sound great. Just would be hard for me to implement, but I can try something eventually. Some help on that would be welcomed to improve carts.

    Space ideas sound cool and fun too 🙂

    in reply to: Cloudlands should be higher up #1205
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    Not a bad suggestion. I think that makes sense. Maybe we can move them up higher.

    in reply to: Lightning Destroyed My House #1170
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    That’s a really good achievement idea.

    in reply to: Lightning Destroyed My House #1167
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    Still need to think about this. Maybe it shouldn’t catch on fire if protection is enabled. In fact, fire needs to be tweaks to not burn protected stuff.

    in reply to: Content DB and additional mods #1166
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    You should feel free to customize MeseCraft on your PC however you like. You can add technic via content DB easily. However, I don’t think I’ll add it back into the game. It was in there before but it simply add’s too much focus on local automation. When I removed it a lot of players were a bit upset by that, but it simply makes the game more focused on exploration and crafting. I don’t like to automate things in the game too much because then there is no need for the player to play the game anymore. There is the game Factorio for total automation games. MeseCraft is focused more on exploration, crafting, and fun, but we’ll see how it ends up as it is updated. I don’t mind adding machines, but it can also make the game way too easy. It turns it more into a circuitry game, not a world exploration game.

    Yes, the dependencies on ContentDB is autogenerated.

    Music is in the game, you can add it to the mods/ folder to manually enable it, I like it, but it makes players take too long to load into our server, and Android devices cannot currently load the game with Music enabled.

    Lorebooks will be added soon to add story and narratives into the game to tell more lore about the world.

    in reply to: Geocashing in Mesecraft server #1 #1165
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    When I was young, I played Pokemon Snap on Nintendo 64 quite a few times. (Rented it from Blockbuster, lol). That sounds like a fun idea. Geocaching and some sort of camera challenges. Cool.

    in reply to: Professor Mese’s Brutal Test – Single Player #1155
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    Hi @thefluffysavage,

    Thanks for the kind words. It means a lot. Please consider leaving a review of MeseCraft on the Minetest ContentDB, as it’d help the project alot.

    Also, mob tweaks are something that is planned for us to do as well. 🙂

    in reply to: Bones and armor #1099
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    There is a function in 3d armor to find bones when the player dies and if it matches their name drop their armor. Need to update this to the new item string name for bones.



    in reply to: Bones and armor #1098
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    This is not intentional. I’ll have to look in the source code and and fix this asap. What server did this happen on?

    in reply to: A quick feedback on the beta (freshwater) server. #978
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    Clues that are contextual (derived from gameplay) are always the best, but an NPC like a Guide or a guide book might be able to spawn with the player. This can give tips to start off with and would be a reasonable compromise.

    in reply to: A quick feedback on the beta (freshwater) server. #975
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    Thought about this before. Fresh water, but seems challenging as most new players dont understand the difference.

    We’ve also considered water purification before, but didn’t do it because of that too. Maybe these can be implemented with a chance to cause sickness or thirst amplification (e.g. salt water). Yeah boiling water recipes may work.  Noted.

    in reply to: Beta server bucket bug / oil typhoon reward #974
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    Yeah I think Kip was saying he could not milk cows. I think I haven’t seen this new bucket yet which is where the confusion is coming from. I will try to fix this soon.



    in reply to: Irregular server performance #964
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    Hmm.. I havent heard of gas causing lag. But I’ve seen gas in shafts. It could be the amount of processing involved with something about them. abm’s or movement calculations.

    in reply to: How to Upload Screenshots #954
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    in reply to: Irregular server performance #953
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    Sounds like it could have been burnt down if it was all wood. Fires can be started through protection right now. That will probably be updated and fixed in the future. Someone could have griefed it, try not too build with too much wood on places that bad players can reach.


    Maybe things are catching on fire or lightning strikes are doing it. I will need more information and testing.  Also with the server performance, just watch out for things that have particle effects like void chests and too many nether portals in one area, the particles they spawn as a visual effect cause lag. I hope that helps. Let me know.

    in reply to: MeseCraft UHC #936
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    Can you explain what UHC or YOLO mod are? I’ve heard of neither of those before.

    in reply to: Firearms to Mars #931
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    Is that what it is called in Breath of the Wild? If so, I didn’t know that.

    in reply to: Firearms to Mars #929
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    @cora, actually, it’d be nice to combine jumpdrive and meshnode together so that not only could players make ships that could “jump” through space/zones, but also could move around normally too. Would really make it feel like a ship. That would be my ideal way to do it. Sounds complicated but would be awesome.

    Another thing, we could call the sky island (floatland) biomes “Bastions” kind of like kip mentioned. They were raised by magic or something to avoid the corruption. I had a song come into my head today that was from a soundtrack of an really well done indie came I used to play called “bastion” and that would be a nice reference. coincidentally, that game also had something called the “calamity” that was spreading and taking over.

    in reply to: Firearms to Mars #926
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    The portal blocks need to be re-balanced and turned into something that isn’t really valuable outside of creating portals. Right now there is an infinite metal block duplication bug because of portals. Portals right now can go to the Nether (Hell), Cloudlands (islands in the sky), Moon, and Mars. Portals can be added through the API included with the nether mod pretty easily. But don’t want to over due it and can lean on jump drive (Ship/space travel) for other exploration too. I’d like players to be able to dig to hell but it’s a very big world and that might be too much. Hell I think still starts at -16K or 1/2 the depth of the world. Which is pretty far for most players. So maybe a portal to get there is still necessary.

    I’d like space travel and jump drives to be a big part of the later game. For the moon, maybe a portal makes sense since its pretty close to Earth. Mars, maybe find a way to get there with a portal or leave jump drive.

    There should be an outer space part where the asteroid biomes are and maybe an empty space section. Space mobs and other ships with cannons and stuff. Just thoughts, mix like the show firefly and the game FTL together for that somehow.

    But I’ve been thinking about game progression. Should be tutorial –> Earth –> Caves –> Hell –> Moon or Mars –> Space –> Maybe far out planets only visitable with jump drives. etc. Also, this progression would be how you obtain materials and how you can build portals to unlock new biomes, items, npcs, and new ores.

    Mars and Moon could have their own unique ores and more ores as we go further out into the biomes/space.


    @cora and @kiopy7 I’ve tried using rockets before. They didn’t work well. It’s fun, but the rocket ship mod didn’t really work well in terms of steering and handling. But once you got to the bottom of the moon, it is a layer.  It is solid and impossible to get through without portals (or it is supposed to be, but there may be a few bugs or items that still haven’t be fixed). I think this should be built into the lore. Since there is a weird boundry surrounding the world, we can say it’s something like a forcefield or wall-built by the antagonists.

    But space travel will probably be through jump drives, and portals.

    I’m also planning to add Meseportals back into the game (Basically Stargates). Links that players can setup, but it should be expensive and very hard to dig back up.

    in reply to: weather mod #862
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    Another problem to fix then.

    in reply to: What I love about Mesecraft #861
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    Re: The Prefect Experience

    Then there are others, where, when you log on, it nothing but a high-tech city that looks cool but then you realize you’ll have to walk 12,000 blocks to just find a simple unprotected tree, but by that time you would have already starved yourself to death.

    I always disliked that too. Worst part of a lot of servers. To a new player its a huge turn off. That’s part of why I always liked to place spawn near a small village. Player built cities are fine and very cool to explore. I want to plan a long term support map that would be around long enough for meaningul player cities to be made. Mobs, yeah they’re pretty good but could be better still. There are some promising developments being made in this area from other modders that could lead to better mobs pretty soon. ElCeejo is probably my favorite mobs maker. But I love the simplicity of mobs_redo too, new API’s are being made, but I need to assess them first. Thanks for the kind words about the game. That is essentially what the goal of mine was when I started Sara’s Simple Survival. I just wanted to make a game that I could play with family and friends and have it be a fun and balanced survival experience. Still on that journey, but it’s longer than I thought and more complex, but I think it is worth it.

    The Community

    Yes, we’ve been really lucky to have friendly and helpful people. I haven’t really had to get involved in moderation much. I personally want to foster a good community here too and like to empower players instead of empowering administration/moderation. I guess I still wish we had more players, but it would bring new problems too so I suppose right now, having a small and dedicated base of players is a great blessing. If there are any big problems though, feel free to contact me.

    The Excitement

    Yeah, part of giving people the freedom to play the game as they wish is what allows things like this to happen. I could just turn off PVP or ban people for griefing and pvp’ing but it would be a ridiculous way to approach the game. PvP’ing is part of player choice. It can be frustrating for new players sadly but I still tend to rely on players and empowering players to find a way for a solution. Technically PvP is not against the rules, it’s better to see people work to gether and cooperate, but its a survival server and its a game, so people should be allowed to play as they wish, its more fun that way.



    in reply to: Difficulty of Mesecraft #860
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    I’ve been thinking maybe a way to add boss battles or something in each biome. And when a boss is killed in that biome it cleanses the biome somehow and the corruption starts to fade away and restore the biome.

    Also, it would push character progression as you would get items or rewards and grow somehow each time you restore a biome. As you progress, your character sort of grows up or takes on the corruption in a way, becoming more of an adult in a way. more experienced but also jaded somehow in their appearance or character. Not in a bad way, but just as a fact of dealing with hard things or in dealing with evil. it grows on you in a way because you have to take it on and sort of sacrafice a part of yourself to bring order back to the world.

    in reply to: Decline of the Marketplace #859
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    There are some good criticisms here. I’ll address each quickly.

    The use of coins

    This is still planned but I want to incorporate it more. The entire economy will be based on gold, silver, and maybe copper. It’s pretty funny to me that in Minetest forums, people are always trying to figure out how to get economy in the game with cryptocurrencies and paper money, but the simplest and most integratable and relevant form of currency, physical metal monies is right under everyone’s noses. It was thought that coin minting would be the source of coins. But this hasnt been implemented or finalized. Still sort of thinking about this as I’ve been rethinking the smelting process a bit too and want to make those metals more important in the game.

    The use of mob fighting.

    Mobs dont drop coins anymore because i wanted to encourage exploration and mining instead of mob combat farming,, but both are good mechanics that could be useful. I just didn’t want mobs to be the main source of economy. As that will then become the primary game mechanic for people to progress. Rather exploration and adventure should be the main focus.

    The use of trading posts flags

    This was done only because I didn’t like that someone could be deep deep underground and still spawn a trading post. This can be up for debate. Also it creates an entirely different marketplace and that reduced the usefulness of the other markets, the more seperate markets there are, the less important I thought the others were. Also, I thought about implementing an online shop with the laptops too but didn’t want to implement it because it was a cheap way to get stuff if you were in danger. Starving to death deep underground? Just use a online or trading post to buy food. I guess I just didn’t like that mechanic much. But maybe if it was limited to the surface or something different that could work out? I’d really like some discussion on this one at some point.

    MeseCraft’s glory days

    Those are 100% ahead of us, not behind us. 🙂

    in reply to: Welcome mec404 #838
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    Yeah I feel the same way. Seems familiar

    in reply to: Difficulty of Mesecraft #834
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    lol, didnt think of that but yeah lol. I dont want to be banished to the noob dimension. But it’s true, maybe a biome could be setup that contains new players and once you graduate from it (by doing a quest or something) you can’t go back without turning into a zombie or something. I’m thinking like a forbidden magical forest or something with easier enemies and can setup the world before it is corrupted by war or greed or something. Then when the player leaves that dimension they can join in the adventure of cleansing the world of corruption in different biomes.

    in reply to: Difficulty of Mesecraft #829
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    What if there was a separate vertical biome (like way up) that was a separate kind of tutorial intro biome with easier enemies and a more playful world? Then you sort need to get items and solve puzzles and graduate/are sent into the actual world we use now.

    in reply to: My horse and the doors #828
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    It’s possible, but is that the only way to solve this? a new item just for that situation?

    in reply to: Difficulty of Mesecraft #827
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    I’m king of glad to hear there was a bit of a learning curve, it’s what makes us feel we’ve made progress or gotten better.

    I’m always interested in improving player balance and retaining new players. So I .hope we can take these suggestions seriously. I don’t want to make the game harder either. But I’d also like to add some new things like forging metal with molten and molds and being able to sell them.

    So how do you make it so it’s not too easy for veteran players to get bored, but doesn’t make newbie players run immediately. Maybe armor like Odie suggested, but also, maybe a tutorial. Not really sure. 🙂

    in reply to: Desert Biomes #826
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    Pretty sure this wouldn’t be too hard to implement. Can probably add a schematic for an oasis into the desert, kind of like villages. I’m not sure how to use those yet, but I’ll look into it.


    Nice list Kiopy.

    Camels would be pretty cool too. Especially if you can ride and use them to carry something maybe.  I’m OK with that sounds fun.

    in reply to: Market reference book #805
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    I can get the text in the game when ready to do so.


    Yeah the market user interface is not really perfect. I think it  is a bit too confusing, but maybe the API can be cleaned up or this can be mentioned to the mod creator, FaceDeer.

    in reply to: Guns in video-games and MeseCraft #804
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    Yeah, it is really up to the players about how they will use the guns. But I think putting too much guns and stuff in it will turn it into something like fortnite or Rust. Too much combat pvp. MeseCraft would be fun if factions had combat, but I like the cooperative style a lot more.

    Good points about swords and bows. I think that rationale makes a lot of sense. There isn’t really anything different about guns compared to a sword. Hopefully it’s just used right. Great feedback.

    in reply to: Lightning Destroyed My House #756
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    in reply to: Slow response by the server #755
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    in reply to: Color Pallette for modders, artists. #735
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    We’ve actually decided to go with a different color palette. This one has more colors: 64 (actually, 67). 32 was a bit too basic. We will be working on adding these to a texture pack too. I’m going to focus on a few bug fixes and rewriting some stuff in the game today. Then I can help with textures.



    Palette analysis

    in reply to: Frequent spawn logins #722
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    The re-spawn bug is resolved. There was some sort of database corruption for users or beds or something it was odd. Fixed by a world reset on the server.

    in reply to: Market reference book #719
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    Wow that is a nice guide. I’ll edit it and we can add it as a guide maybe? Split it up into shorter volumes like Market Trading for Adventurous I, II, & III?

    in reply to: Guns in video-games and MeseCraft #717
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    I remember even things like Harry Potter books were really attacked in the media because they had things in them like magic, vampires, and other fantasy things that religious people did not like. So I suppose magic items could even be a controversial topic to some. I think ultimately, all of this stuff is OK as long as it is done properly and not disgusting or sadistic.

    in reply to: Frequent spawn logins #707
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    The server was being very buggy for certain users. When I logged in as “Komodo” I could not even get the map to load. I was stuck on the same chunk as spawn and could not go anywhere. After I reset the game, it worked again OK. I think maybe there was corruption in the world somehow. How is it working for you?

    in reply to: Frequent spawn logins #644
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    Seems like whatever did this is also the reason people have been getting knocked back all over recently.

    in reply to: Frequent spawn logins #631
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    Yep. You’re right. Dying currently brings you back to the main spawn point. I’ll look into this more.

    in reply to: Frequent spawn logins #630
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    Really? That is weird. It shouldn’t be doing that. That happens if your bed was destroyed I think. I’m going to check.

    in reply to: Crocodile sounds #604
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    I didn’t know what that meant, so I had to go look it up. It’s been so long since I’ve seen that animation. I watched the movie version about a year ago (the one with Robin Williams) it was pretty good too. This is what @carzomg is talking about.

    I don’t think we should add the sounds to the croc. Because crocs dont really make sounds in real life. They are silent so they can hunt better. They tend to lurk and try to blend in. It wouldn’t make sense to add the tictoc in my opinion. But how about instead of that, we can add some references to Captain hook as rare drops from crocodile. We can maybe add a hook (melee item?) and a clock. What do you think?

    in reply to: weather mod #577
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    I’m still not convinced that this mod rains/snows enough as it should. Might still need to look into using something else for the rain and snow. But there is a boat mod that already uses the wind system from this mod. If you read the documentation it mentions it. Requires mobkit.

    in reply to: Ho Houses #576
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    Have you guys actually seen any rain yet around Ho?

    in reply to: Kip’s Simple Tips and Tricks #565
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    1.) is kind of a bug that will eventually be fixed.

    2.) is a great tip. Nice!

    3.) Oh that is awesome! I haven’t seen that yet. I love it 😀 Cool

    in reply to: Vegetable Stomping #564
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    OK. I’ll add compatibility to the other crops.

    in reply to: Color Pallette for modders, artists. #557
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    in reply to: OGG bitrate. #556
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    I just confirmed this during export. Audacity ogg export setting of 1 exports at 80kbps

    in reply to: weather mod #554
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    I like the idea of making armors slow down players more. It already does it. I’ve noticed people in wood armor passing me when I was wearing iron armor before. But this mechanic could be amplified. I like the idea too.

    As for the wind, I looked at the settings for it and tried to adjust it, but it didn’t seem to work that well. I thing it feels odd and I don’t like the implementation of it affecting player speeds. So, let’s just disable it. Wind is still in the game, so it should affect snow and rain particles.

    I’ve already updated the game and all three servers to no longer have wind affecting player speed.

    in reply to: weather mod #547
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    Thanks for the feedback. I was thinking about these too. The feedback is helpful. There should not be wind in caves. Expect some tweaks to the weather system soon based on this feedback.

    in reply to: Ethereal removal from the MeseCraft Survival Server #538
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    It’s a good suggestion. I’ll leave ethereal installed only on the server for 1 week. That is short, but it is still enough time to take photos.

    in reply to: Ethereal removal from the MeseCraft Survival Server #536
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    Nevermind. I guess it is still broken. I’ll try to fix again.

    in reply to: New soundtrack #517
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    OK. I think it is most suitable for the moon / mars too. Thanks. I think that is sufficient for a response.

    I’m really sorry to hear that you’re dealing with some bad news. I hope everything gets better. Everything ok?

    in reply to: Farm animals spawning #465
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    In general, ABM’s need to be aggressively dumped. The mob spawning and mobs system needs to be reworked.

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