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    Hey folks. This night I was woken up by some drunk who couldn’t stop yelling on the beach south of town. I went to talk to the guy, but I couldn’t find him, only this tattered diary. I read it out of curiosity and thought you might be interested about it too. The text is unchanged and uncorrected.

    Notes on scouting to southern lands on behalf of a customer who wished for his name to be left out of this document.
    Spawn City @ 718 6 3321
    osman75’s farm @ 530 2 2782
    Britain, peninsula @ 1425 2169 // two deep gulfs; little trees, some bushes, a lot of grass; steep yet climbable hills reaching high; sheer cliff from east side; really pretty
    Norway, island @ 1489 2417 // little grass, plenty of nothern soil filled with pine and ferns; steer shores; couple of gulfs, protected from outsider eyes by cliffs; not quite tall, thin peaks; lovely peninsula with some appletrees on north-eastern side; a small enclosed lake on eastern side; several perculiar stone formations, most of them on southern side; neighbours sandy/grassy land to its east
    Tower islands @ 1293 2258 // 4 tall, thin islands to the west of strait separating Britain peninsula and Norway island
    Siberia @ 929 2171 // pines, cowered in snow, standing on snow, lying on sand; bears and rabbits; pines, pines, pines covered in snow
    Lenny village @ 1278 1850 // a friendly aboriginal village, sitting amongst picturesque lanscape; locals don’t seem to require sleep at night? weird; beside that, they have two traders both of whom are named Lenny. Don’t they get confused?
    The Dune @ 1655 1683 // an obscenely high dune with disgustingly steep sides; an equally steep tower island to the east, surrounded by shallow gulf; further to the east is a very long and thin peninsula ending with high and thin mountain of broken shape
    Altai river @ 1836 1518 // a calm river surrounded by snowy plateaus that gain height slowly as river goes deeper into landmass; at the middle point, shores connect, masking the river from the bird’s eye; after that, the grass lands begin; the next natural bridge appears soon, separating biomes again, this time, a desert begins; soon after Altai flows into the sea
    Bobtown @ 1534 1375 // a town, sitting between four biomes: snow, grass, desert and silver sand desert; soil surprisingly rich for such place; learnt here that you need a lot more then a bit of wheat to produce bread: I guess I romantisized farmer’s life until now; found human bones in trader’s chest
    Desert of Spikes @ 1667 1609 // these stone cliffs covered in yellow and white sand are pierced vertically with sharp peaks; this sight and never ending wind made me feel like some ancient catastrophe happened here, and the land still mourns it
    Bobtown suburb @ 1396 1384 // Pyramids at sight; no going to approach
    Lenny village @ 1356 1796 // reached the Lenny village again; coming down from the hills to the south of village is the most beautiful sight I’ve yet seen; it is unfortunate that I’ve already named this village, otherwise I’d call it Summer: so peaceful, light and green it is; I really don’t want to leave this place, ever
    Summer beach @ 1461 1875 // and this place has such a perfect beach just on the outskirts! this must be heaven; long, thin gulf with a small cave on the northern shore; alas, it ends on that ugly Dune I described two days ago
    Empty village @ 1908 2178 // approaching a night, this village looks nothing like any of the other, but not for a good reason; the only source of light was lava in communal forge; not a single window in a house was lit; traders have not made themselves known and I haven’t noticed a single citizen, yet their chests was even richer than those of previously visited villages; a pyramid to the north-east
    Empty village, north of @ 1984 2336 // I was unlucky to take a peek at a villager; his movement was endless and pointless; surrounded by counters and bookshelves, he didn’t act like a man that belongs there; I rushed outside of the village, to the north and nearly fell down a ravine; I saw a phenomena that is hard to describe in words: water came up from that ravine, bubbling and changing shape as it was struggling to break free of Earth’s pull; it was coming out of a cave; cave opening was filled with stalagmites like an open mouth with teeth
    open sea @ 1560 2700 // I am rushing home; sights and notes are not worth of seeing this; I hope beer and mushrooms will help me forget this experience; sea, no more; Spawn City, I am yours forever
    City @ 718 3313 // at last, I am here; the customer isn’t here; that doesn’t trouble me; I’ve picked some gold from bank; the tavern is open and my glass is ever-full
    City outskirts @ 720 3232 // my pulse is so strong I can’t hear the surf; I’ve come here on a hunch; I felt as there is something to see here, on the City’s southern shore, wher waves and ice fight constrantly; the pyramids
    they’ve always been here
    in the distance
    watching us
    have I noticed them before
    or it is only now that I can see them
    south wind burns my face
    it brings sand

    • This topic was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by aka_dude.
    • Posts: 106
    • Active Member

    Sorry that was me. I drank too much last night! Way to share my diary on the MeseNet! Wow, Thanks alot… not!

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