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bones and fossils

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    lets think about how boenes and fossils should be discoverable in-world, and what they can be used for, and especially how they came to be/what animals they represent.


    I think it would be cool to be able to collect various fossils and be able to display your collection (they would be models). maybe also they could be sold to an npc


    Fossils have been suggested many times and Unreal actually considered it for awhile but got cought up in his real life. However I think it would be nice and cool, as I myself enjoy to collect rare objects all over the world of mesecraft. I also think they might add more immersion when mining, such as you at  -560 and then come across a random fossil and wonder “Where did this come form and what was it?” The fossils don’t have to be your typical dinosaurs to, maybe you can resurrect the creatures that the fossils belonged to and have some new mobs to play around with.


    maybe written into the fossils mod, there’s an x% change of it containing useful DNA, and out of that useful DNA, only ~x% of the complete DNA, forcing you to find more fossils, or trade with other players. getting a complete DNA sequence finally allows you to revive the creature, which would be unique, so as to not populate the world with them. news of the discoveries would be at spawn, or scattered books, so other players can see the newly revived creature, or contribute some of their own DNA code they’ve discovered.


    Here is the thing: Adding fossils means people will want dinosaurs, however being able to bring dinosaurs back to life means adding even more technology to the game, something most people don’t want, as they like how Mesecraft kinda has a fantasy feel to it, adding more modern equipment will take away from that. However something that’s already established is magic, maybe you can bring dinosaurs back to life with some magic staff, maybe the Druid’s staff, as many people see that staff as being really useless, and it also already has the ability to bring dead grass to life again, so that means it must also have the ability to bring other things back to life as well.

    Another idea if you want dinosaurs or other unique creatures is that we have a really deep underground cave biome. This cave biome, called the Primordial Jungle, is one of the most breathtaking biomes in the whole game. One thing about this biome is that, since it’s an underground jungle, it has lots of unique light sources, glowing fruits, and some other cool glowing and non-glowing flora. However, this biome only seems to have one natural spawning animal in it and that is the giant cave spider, which is found everywhere else underground, but seems to spawn here more frequently. But I think adding things like small or medium sized dinosaurs to this biome would be super cool, as it would bring more life to it and give you even more reason to want to get down here. I do think that there should only be 3-5 dinosaurs, as any over that would be too much.

    But what if you want water dinos? Well there is another deep cave biome that’s a little bit higher than the Primordial that is the perfect place for this. That is the Sunless Sea. At the moment the sunless sea is kinda empty and most people come down here for the crystals and easy diamonds which can be found in the intertwining rivers which connect to the massive underground oceans. But the oceans themselves really need life besides snare-weed, some types of coral, and cave crocs. This is where water dinos and other unique water creatures can go.

    And that is why I think things like collecting DnA for dinos would just be a bad idea as not only is it a complicated one and one that many people would not be able to figure out, there are many deep cave biomes that need life that these dinos can bring. I do think fossils could work, as they would be a cool tease, but bringing them back to life with their DnA and machinery would just be a waste of cool content.


    Kiopy7, that is the BEST idea for MeseCraft rigth now, the game needs more life. I want It on the game too.


    who said anything about machinery? perhaps it could be as simple as, you’ve collected piece 3 of 5 DNA for Oogoloxi. when you’ve got all 5 pieces(or up to x amount of pieces), perhaps just a spawn ‘egg’ for it can be crafted.



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