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An introduction to Mesecraft

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  • #3631
    • Posts: 19
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    An universe which is called Mesecraft is a wonderland and endless dream. In the vision, dangers await your arrival. You’ll probably be weakened by poison. Rain and storm will blow you away. Consequently, you should have some knowledge to help you survive.

    You’re living whenever you appears in the world. When your health is extinguished, you pass away. After that you wake up. You may wonder why you won’t go down to Sheol instead. Well, it’s a mystery for now.

    A day begins at the dawn of the sun, and ends with darkness. The morning arrives with wonders. The evening signifies the resting time on earth. Morning comes and evening followed is a cycle of a day.

    When the dawn comes, a sun and clouds appears. The sun brings light into the earth. No monsters could be found. Even so, there are some predators among the animals. If you’re near them, they’ll catch you. How shape their claws and jaws are!

    No sooner has the evening come than the night falls and darkness covers the whole world. The monsters wake up and roam the earth. They’re coming from the depth of Hades. Beware!

    There’s sea on earth. Fishes and other sea creatures are patrolling there. Going down to the its depth, you’ll discover some of its facts.

    The heaven, the earth, the sea and the netherworld are three distinct worlds here. They formed the universe.

    Will you be able to enter the heaven and netherworld through their gates? Will you open secrets of the universe?

    There are many mysteries of the worlds. They’re out of scope of these books. We’ll focus on survival instead. Other books will open the mysteries, and, once again, look for the secrets, and answer questions which is related to them.

    P.S. Some other books were written and may be put in the library. This guide doesn’t give many details but it introduces some concepts in the game.

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