A blocky survival game.

MUST haves for Mescraft

Home Forums MeseCraft Discussion Suggestions MUST haves for Mescraft

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    I’ve been playing Mesecraft on Centeria server, as there are dragons, wyverns(draconis), and the amazing steampunk blimp. i really hope Mesecraft eventually includes those things since those mods work just fine on my singleplayer instance, but i’d like to suggest a few more things which i think make Mesecraft much more playable, and exciting.


    the ability to collect blocks by sucking them up by proximity, a la MC, and also to pick them up, a la MTG. Just now in singleplayer, it seemed as if the collect by punching was not working. it turns out that it is, but the sensitivity seems to be turned down, as while i’m mining, the drops fall without being picked up by the punching of the pickaxe. I love that blocks/drops are collected both ways, it makes it the best of both worlds, but the latest DL of Mesecraft it seems a bit broken, but that wasn’t the case before. has something been changed with regards to that?


    TNT is a part of the game and it’s fun to play with and useful, however, the mods tnt_revamped, More TNT, Nuke Mod, as well as the Rocket Launcher mod, are super fun and should be included, if we hope to make this game much better than MC.


    the worlds are so super massive that even in creative mode you wouldn’t be able to destroy the world with a blast radius of 100 if that’s all you were to do for the rest of your life. just try it and you’ll see how cool it is to just blast away, and watch how you can make the world change before your eyes.


    i mean, we have fruit tools FFS!!


    i also think combo blocks is worth having as when i build stuff with slabs, like bamboo flooring, for instance, and then place stuff on it, well it looks silly floating there, combo blocks solves that problem.


    while it makes the game fun, and there’s always something to discover, like the villages and settlements, the game is sooo loaded with freebies that it pretty much makes it too easy for beginners, and then boring for players who have advanced more. when i play after a while i don’t bother to check the villages as i don’t need apples, and other basic things, but it would be cool to see some villages which have been destroyed too, and could be used to scavenge for materials, and not much more. u could/would have to rebuild a bit if you were to take up residence there. i do sometimes see some villages swallowed up by a volcano, that’s pretty cool.


    oh and also, stone ladders is not in the game? seriously?? come on!! or handholds mod, to be able to climb stone and ice 😉


    also, lumberjack mod is a good one, it allows you to carve notches in trees in order to climb big trees to cut down, until you cut down a large amount of trees, over 100, and then u can fell a whole tree, rather than leaving stupid floating tree fragments. what kind of nonsense is that?


    i’m taking a break from playing just to write this, as the not being able to pick up stuff while i’m mining, unless i can then see the item and punch it again, come on that’s just annoying. i might be back to edit this when new stuff comes to mind.


    oceans!! having actual oceans, with islands and continents makes the game more interesting than what any mapgen besides ‘terrainbrot‘ mapgen (from Tunneler’s Abyss server, it should be public, or Hume2 the creator should allow us to use it, he’s a nice guy) has. so this one is really for terrainbrot i guess. but having huge expanses of oceans to sail, and to use the nautilus in should be a no brainer. we have the moon, mars, sky islands, but no oceans and tall mountains?? yes terrainbrot also has by far the biggest mountains i’ve ever seen, and i used to spend hours in TA climbing them with ropes and hooks to get to the top, which felt like quite an accomplishment, in order to use the hang glider to glide down. unfortunately, the default hang glider’s glide ratio really sucks, and you drop down really fast. it really should be renamed and re-skinned to be called canopy or wing or decelerator. a hang glider is capable of soaring on thermals, and that would be nice to actually allow that. thermals are uplifts of warmer air and found below cumulonimbus clouds.


    i’d like to that everyone who makes Mesecraft possible. these suggestions are one way i can think of by contributing to making the game better, however small it may be. i love and appreciate the effort which has gone into making Mesecraft what it is today, and i hope to see it really mature and flourish in the near future.

    • Posts: 101
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    Great feedback. Give me some time to respond, but TNT revamed is already included. The items should be picked up by proximity as well. I’m not sure why it’s not in your game. I’ll have to double check.

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    both proximity and punching are working, however, it’s the weakest ‘punch’-collect i’ve ever experienced.


    most of the time the drops from mined blocks just fall down and sometimes gone/lost because they go out of reach and fall deep down, whereas usually the ‘ores/blocks/drops’ are collected as you mine/punch.

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    I like the idea of including combo blocks.

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    You should make it so it only works if you shift, that way someone can still place floating blocks on slabs and such.

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    good idea to use combo blocks while holding shift.


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