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companion animals/mobs – or, what i like/miss most about MC

Home Forums MeseCraft Discussion Suggestions companion animals/mobs – or, what i like/miss most about MC

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    *not sure if posts on MT forums are mirrored here or not, but this is a copy/paste from MT forums:

    i’ve never owned MC, just played it a little bit on playstation with my nephew, who taught me a lot, and really helped me enjoy MT, but in the very little time i’ve played, and then playing MC2 in MT, i really appreciate having companion animals, such as the dog in MC/MC2 who help you fight off hostile mobs, or riding animals, like the horse, which really help you get around, and with more safety from mobs.

    recently i discovered Mesecraft, which is pretty friggin awesome, but it sure would be nice to have some pack of friendly/companion mobs to be your own little army, and animals you can, ride, fly, or swim with or on! that would really elevate it past MC, but atm, there’s none as far as i can tell.

    in the water it would be nice to have a mob u can ride, or skim on the water’s surface, faster than a boat, or water ‘dog’ type mob(s) to fight off the hostile mobs in the water.

    it would be awesome to have some giant friendly dragon or eagle like mob (but something really unique and fantastic) to explore the sky islands with, this is sorely lacking.

    and it would be great to have some cave mob which u can use to navigate underground more easily, with the ability to smash some nodes, and illuminate a bit, like deep sea creatures do.

    while on the subject of deep sea creatures, it would be very cool to discover different mobs only at certain elevations, like we get with caverns and minerals, so really high up might be these blimp like mobs only about 5k nodes! how to get there, i don’t know, maybe there can be scattered books across the worlds with lore and instructions on how to summon them, like there are enchantment scrolls or whatever in MC. something like an ocarina to summon the giant owl in zelda games.

    also, deep sea would find huge whale like creatures which you can ride and have their own bioluminescence. they are way deeper than you can hold ur breath for. maybe u can only get them when they come up for air, and u can use them like elevators to the depths.

    one thing which already exists and is somewhat relevant, and not already included in Mesecraft (although i added it to mine, and no conflicts), is goblins! it’s a very good mod, quite a few different goblins, and they range from friendly to hostile, useful to nuisance, and make the underground feel more inhabited by some type of social creatures.

    i also love to see it when mobs attack other mobs. that makes total sense, because in nature, it’s survival of the fittest, and if you don’t stay sharp, you perish. that already exists, but it could use some refinement. maybe like playing a rock paper scissors type game. if you might encounter some fearsome mob, it might really be a lifesaver to deploy or spawn some mob which can help you, or even scare or distract the fearsome mob. sorta like the elephant and mouse dynamic, although not sure if that’s real, just for the example.

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    You can tame and fly on wyverns ( dragonlike creatures ).

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    Again, dragons and wyverns only exist in Centeria. They are not in Mesecraft.

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    My bad, play both so often hard to remember what happens on which server.

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    so, can’t they be added to Mesecraft?

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    There are animals like cats, horses, and dogs, even Villagers that you can tame, or as I like to say “Hire” with cooked meat to protect you. As for dragons though, Mesecraft is still in development and there are lots of things that need to be done, as there really are only two guys who work on Mesecraft. SO while dragons would be cool, they are still being considered as they are a very destructive mob and we already have problems such as massive accidental Boomer “Those tnt guys) explosions that set of devastating forest fires, so if a small mob like a Boomer can do things like that, imagine what a dragon of great size can do.

    However if you really want things like dragons, there is a server called “Centeria Survival Deluxe.” While it is not the official server, it’s kinda a testing ground for what COULD be added to Mesecraft in the future.

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    There are 3 Mesecraft servers, the 2 previously mentioned and Survival Multiplayer #2 (Beta Tests).

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    There are actually more mesecraft servers, but that discussion is for a different forum topic.

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